Thursday, October 18, 2007

Betazoids in Mass Effect

Ok, I know this is the second video link post in a row, but if you wait untill just under 2 minutes into this video, you find out that Marina Sirtis, aka Deanna Troi, will be playing (and I swear this is true) "Matriarch Benezia." I'm not good enough to make that up.

I think that there must have been some planetary alighment for her to play a part in this game. Plus, she is so serious about that "Asari commando unit." Really though, I love video games and all, and I would be an awful voice actor, but it must take some guts to speak those lines and still be able to look at your face in the mirror.

Now we just need Jonathan Frakes as a sexy younger man who rocks an awesome beard and totally doesn't have a big belly. Seriously, guys, he's in shape. Also, note the presence of Lance "I am scary" Henrikson.

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